Thursday, November 13, 2008

All about me & my crazy life

I plan to give you a brief down & dirty here in this post of who I am!

Who am I? Well, I maybe a lot like you! I am 32 years old working full time trying to juggle family, friends, work & everything else I have over committed myself to.

I am a fun loving fearless Gemini. I am opinionated & strong willed, which is sometimes confused with stubbornness. Honestly I don't care what others think of me, cuz it you don't like me or how I live my life than we will agree to disagree.

I am caring & loving & will go to the ends of the earth to help my family & friends but watch out if you screw me over or piss me off you will have to deal with my wrath!! I am accused of having control issues (sometimes) & maybe I do but I am just a take charge kind of gal who happens to be uber organized!


I have been married to a great guy for 9 years & well we have a great marriage, it's not perfect but I have learned that perfect is BORING! My hubby is a wonderful dad & a great husband even when he is driving me crazy & we don't see eye to eye.

My son is 6 years old & is the joy of my life. We tried for 2 years & had a miscarriage before being blessed with him. It was a tough road to get him here & has been a equally tough road since he has been here. In addition to other issues he has had, he began wearing glasses when he was 6 mos old & was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome when he was 3 years old.

More children are in our plan but.....we are just not sure how that part of the plan maybe implemented. Two years ago we lost a twin pregnancy at 11 1/2 weeks & haven't been successful since.

I am extremely close to my mom, dad, brother & grandparents. Whom you will hear about in my posts!


I work outside the home at a private university full time ( 40+ hours). I work in facilities & do planning & construction management. Well I love my job it is in a male dominated profession so I am constantly fighting to show that I am not just some "young girl" & even worse is that working here & not having a 4 year degree is looked down upon - never mind years of experience or job performance. I constantly feel like I am swimming up stream (but that is for another post)


I have my best friend who I have know for 12+ years, she is my best friend & my son's godmother. She truly is my partner in crime. Oh the stories she could tell, luckily I have no plans to run to a elected office anytime soon unless PTA counts!

I also have a group of 4 other mom's who are a amazing support system for me & my son. We all have only children which always makes for a interesting dynamic!!!


I am new to blogging & thought that it maybe relaxing to share my thoughts & craziness with others. I plan to blog about my life, work, what it is like raising a special needs child including the joys & struggles, being over committed & working on how to say NO.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Loved it! You are an awesome mom and I totally enjoyed reading this. Thanks for giving me a way to catch up on what you guys are going! Give John and Jake our love!